
Duet: Schumann – Mendelssohn – Cornelius

Duet singing reached its zenith in the Victorian age, and has since fallen out of fashion. Did artists become concerned with grander solo projects? Did audiences think duets too lowbrow?

William Berger follows up his acclaimed Delphian debut recital with Iain Burnside, in a programme of duets with the delectably voiced Lucy Crowe that resoundingly demonstrates just how musically rich the genre can be. Published sets and individual songs by Mendelssohn, Schumann and the slightly younger Peter Cornelius span the middle decades of nineteenth-century Germany, and also represent the literary life of the country in that period. Nestled at the end of the disc, ravishingly beautiful and sad, is Schumann’s memorial to his deceased young son.

"Lucy Crowe and William Berger are vocal soul mates…this CD is a small miracle to be cherished"

"The prime pleasure of the disc overall is Crowe's silvery beauty of tone…in the right relaxed mood, Delphian's bouquet of duets could be just what is required"


"Crowe and Berger make for characterful, pleasing-sounding and intelligent duettists in these suave, elegant and sometimes deeply touching pieces"


"in terms of interpretation they remain in seamless, serene sympathy"

"a delicious confection of songs and duets... reminding us of a golden age of domestic music-making. It's a gentle joy from start to finish"

"The two soloists exude immaculate performances full of smooth, silky singing, where every nuance behind each word and note is brought to light with translucent artistry. Burnside is wonderfully responsive in his playing, and his sympathetic support throughout is unflinchingly consistent. Some off the beaten track repertoire that should not be missed. Sound and notes are exemplary."


"Soprano Lucy Crowe and baritone William Berger’s voices are ideally suited to this repertoire and the blend well together. Interspersed amongst the duets are five solo songs, allowing their solo voices an airing. Iain Burnside’s accompaniments are sensitive, restraining the power of the piano to acceptable levels.A fascinating repertoire, beautifully expressed."


Producer: Paul Baxter
Recording venue(s): St Mary’s Parish Church, Haddington, East Lothian
Recording dates: 24-26 March 2015
Physical format: Jewel case
Number of discs: 1
Number of tracks: 25
Release date: 26 February 2016
Total playing time: 1:00:23
Album ID: DCD34167

Album Booklet

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